Thursday, October 16, 2014


i feel like melted shit cheese
i better get better soon omfg im going to a convention in 2 days UUUUUUUUUGGGGHHHH >:(

Friday, October 10, 2014


woot 4 day weekend hell yea



Saturday, September 27, 2014


moon emoji is still in the hospital. neopets is back up (ye). my nendoroid isn't here yet. i like furbies. woah its dinner time g2g bye

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


shit's been weird lately. especially at school. QUEENS has been getting into more trouble frequently. Joel hasn't been paying attention in math class. Caleb has been too much of a little shit for me to handle. Moon Emoji is in the hospital. I've got a lot to plan for the whole year of school. i was somehow chosen to be the representative of the middle school for student council, and somehow, one of my ideas is going through. my bus keeps changing. everyone has been using the wii a lot, too.
outside of school is weird, too. i've been obsessed with tennis and love doing it before dark. i walked 6 miles round trip for some crap on the side of the road (not worth it. the only things that i liked were a moldy but comfy pillow, a tupperware container without the lid, and a container that suspiciously looks like a bedpan). i also found a circuit board for something on my way back from the stuff. i think for car keys? idfk. there are huge green squashed worms all over the road (i found 4 yesterday! gross!). i've also been obsessed with anime and YTP tennis. just tennis in general. oh yeah, and furbies. actually, i gotta order one right now (i got money refunded to my amazon card. long story. lets just say i got the wrong plush in the mail).
some creepy dude from snapchat might be hunting me down. i'll start writing every day, just to keep you guys full and satisfied.
aight bye.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

the dude with the juice

i cannot wait for another anime convention 2014 ommmgggggggg I'm so fucking excited its UN-FRIGGIN-BELIEVEABLE

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


oh my god i got 65 dollars yesterday and i just spent almost 35 on amazon.